
Paul Strand

Quick Facts

Full NameNathaniel Paul Stransky
Date of BirthOctober 16, 1890
Place of BirthBrooklyn, New York
Date of DeathMarch 31, 1976
Place of DeathOrgeval, Yvelines
Known forPhotography, Filmmaking
ContributionHelped establish photography as an art form in the 20th century; co-founder of the Photo League
InfluenceInfluenced by Lewis Hine; promoted by Alfred Stieglitz; experimented with formal abstractions and social reform themes in his work
Early InterestReceived a camera as a gift from his father at age 12; inspired by visits to the 291 art gallery and exhibitions of modernist photographers and painters
EducationStudent of Lewis Hine at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Significant Works“Wall Street” (1915) – known for its formal abstractions; used the camera as a tool for social reform; employed techniques to discreetly capture portraits of his subjects
LegacyA diverse body of work spanning six decades, covering numerous genres and subjects across the Americas, Europe, and Africa
CriticismSome criticized his use of a hidden lens to capture portraits without his subjects’ knowledge

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